QAP360 Managed Service Provider
HelloID CertificationsHelloID Provisioning HelloID Service Automation HelloID Access Management
IndustriesArchitecture Engineering and Construction (AEC market) Government Healthcare Business Education
About QAP360
We QAP360, stand for Dutch craftsmanship where service delivery, service integration and entrepreneurship makes our DNA. For years, our interplay with clients has led to a future-proof company anchored with the social needs of the Netherlands. We build, implement and deliver software and IT services to leading projects and/or organisations, possibly the Dutch projects of the 21st century. Here, technology, environment and process come together. With our services, we connect projects and/or organisations to the rest of the world, and vice versa!
- Service Integratie and Management
- Frameworks and Solutions
- Public-private partnerships (PPP)
- Frameworks and Solutions
- Multi Sourcing Integratie
- Compliancy Systems Engineering
- Information Asset Management
- Self Service Automation
QAP360 x Tools4ever
QAP360 is not, nor will it become, a large company in size. However, our products and services have been deployed on big projects and special organisations in recent years and we are proud of that. We are and will continue to be proud of what we do and will do. Our motto is “Together Special”. This harks back to our craftsmanship, realising together from a (business) context, the collaboration with Tools4ever and our entrepreneurship. We want to do this safely, controlled, demonstrable and with an eye for the environment. Naturally, we want to ensure that we keep our promises and have and make the IT services available on time. And, with an eye to the future, also with regard to the maintainability of the IT services, the sustainable development and use of our HelloID services.