Service Automation – Workflows
Users frequently need a range of products, such as specific applications, a new mailbox or additional storage space. With the Service Automation module of the Identity & Access Management (IAM) solution HelloID, users can request these IT resources independently whenever they need them. Automated workflows streamline the processing of these requests and assignment of the correct resources. In this blog, you will learn more about working with these workflows and the features and benefits they offer.
What are workflows?
One component of Service Automation in HelloID is Self-Service. Through these features, employees can request all kinds of IT resources without the need for an intervention by the service desk. Automated workflows play a crucial role in handling such requests and save you a lot of time. For instance, you do not have to manually forward requests to the correct person to get their approval and you do not have to check whether a person meets the conditions for a product.
If the applicant meets the requirements and the request is approved, then HelloID Service Automation automatically assigns the requested product to the user through workflows.
Three standard workflows
HelloID offers three standard approval workflows, each with distinct functions:
- Approval by resource owner: This workflow channels user requests to the product owner, also known as the ‘resource owner’. If the owner approves the request, HelloID automatically implements the change through this workflow.
- Approval by manager: In this case, the workflow submits a user’s request for approval to the user’s manager. If the manager approves the request, HelloID automatically assigns the requested product thanks to this workflow.
- Auto approve: This workflow also presents user requests to the product owner. However, if the request is not dealt with within thirty days, HelloID automatically approves the request and makes the requested product available to the user.
Configuring approval workflows
Workflows are not set in stone and can be customised to meet your specific needs. You can create and fully configure your own workflows based on your preferences and requirements, with a wide range of configuration options available. For example, you can choose whether HelloID sends email notifications to approvers to make sure that requests don’t get overlooked. You can also decide whether to keep the requester updated on the progress of their request with notifications.
You also have options for how requests are approved. HelloID provides three methods:
- Via the approver’s inbox in HelloID: The IAM solution can display an overview of all open requests. A history of completed applications is also available in HelloID.
- Via the approver’s email: You can send an e-mail notification to the approver for each request. Optionally, you can include a button to approve or reject applications directly in the email. If the approver responds within 24 hours, they won’t need to log into HelloID.
- Automatic action: HelloID can also process requests completely automatically. In this case, the IAM solution automatically checks whether an applicant meets the conditions for the requested product. Based on these criteria, HelloID automatically approves or rejects the request.
Who reviews requests?
A key aspect of configuring workflows is deciding who to present requests to. HelloID offers three options for this:
- Resource owner: For each product, you can create what’s called a ‘resource owner group’. Everyone included in this group is linked to the product as a resource owner.
- Manager: In this case, the request is presented to the manager of the person requesting the product.
- Custom filter: This option provides a lot of freedom and flexibility. For instance, you can assign approval of requests to an employee belonging to a specific department or to individuals with a specific role.
You can decide whether a request should be approved by one person or whether you want multiple individuals to review a request. For the latter option, HelloID offers several possibilities:
- All users must approve: All approvers must approve a request. The order of approval is irrelevant here.
- All users must approve in sequence: In this scenario, all approvers must agree to a request before it is granted. The sequence in which these approvals must be given is specified in the workflow, with HelloID presenting the request to the next approver until all parties have reviewed it.
- Any user must approve: If you use this possibility, multiple approvers are assigned. HelloID executes the action as soon as one of these individuals agrees to the request.
Getting started
Interested in learning more about HelloID Service Automation? You can find more information here. If you have any questions, please contact us – our experts are ready to assist you!